CSRD and Climate Risk Disclosures –
How to Get Started Today

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The European Union’s Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) is a landmark regulation that will shape and transform the way companies must report about, and stand by, their sustainability goals in the EU and beyond. These new regulations will apply to more than 50,000 companies by 2026, as the CSRD asks for diligent reporting on the major pillars of sustainability across Environment, Social and Governance aspects.

The risks pertaining to climate change are an important part of this disclosure directive, so companies need to report on both transition and physical climate risk. The latter requires state of the art climate science and hazard modeling at asset level resolution across a range of climate scenarios and time-horizons – so getting the physical climate risk assessment right is a major part of getting the entire CSRD reporting right.

Jupiter Intelligence, the trusted leader in physical climate risk data, is here to help you understand the reporting requirements, make sense of them in your business context, and provide you with a comprehensive toolbox to get started immediately. 

In this on-demand webinar, you will learn:

  • What the CSRD is, and how it fits into the global regulatory landscape

  • Who needs to disclose under the CSRD

  • What you need to do to comply with CSRD requirements and deadlines

  • What physical climate risk data is needed for CSRD reporting—and how to use it

  • When and how to get started to meet the rapidly approaching CSRD deadlines

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