To ensure the sustainability of their financial systems, governments and regulators are requiring companies to identify, assess, and disclose future material impacts of climate change to their operational and financial performance. As we move forward in 2024, the momentum for regulation continues to touch every continent and advanced economy.
Authorities in the USA (such as the SEC), China, Singapore—and worldwide—have begun the year by introducing, revising, or expanding existing and proposed disclosure rules. The European Union’s CSRD, the world’s most comprehensive disclosure mandate, will impact over 50,000 companies, including those outside the EU, by 2029. Consequences will be felt by almost every large business or financial services firm who do business in these jurisdictions.
This eBook provides an up-to-date overview of a dynamic climate risk regulatory scene: WHERE, WHEN, and WHY your company must comply; WHAT leading disclosure frameworks call for; and HOW you can comply using today’s physical climate risk assessment tools and evolving business processes.
Download the eBOOK today and let Jupiter help you get started on building your climate risk disclosure plan today.
[eBOOK] How to Become CSRD-Ready
[On-Demand Webinar] How to Become CSRD-Ready
[On-Demand Webinar] CSRD and Climate Risk Disclosures – How to get started today